It’s no secret.
No one wants to spend their day drinking coffee after coffee, and interviewing dozens of candidates.
It’s a rather lengthy process, and let’s be honest – no one has the time for that anymore.
We’ve been living in an online world, and if you’ve got a LinkedIn profile, it’s high time to put it to good use.
As of right now, you can rely on LinkedIn Recruiter to assist you in hiring the right candidates, and I can assure you that it takes twice as short, and it gets the job done.
If you’re having hardships in finding potential candidates, sit tight for a few more minutes because I’m going to break down the top 5 tips for hiring the best employees.
It’s time – scroll down!
First Off: How Does LinkedIn Recruiter Work?

Let’s start off by posing a simple question such as:
What is LinkedIn recruiting?
It’s a simple and modern process of searching for candidates by using LinkedIn Recruiter.
It doesn’t get simpler than that.
The LinkedIn platform in general is surely beneficial to any type of business, but what has proven to be particularly useful recently is the easy and straightforward process of recruiting candidates.
A noteworthy 75% of recruiters are quite satisfied with this platform, and are making it their number one tool for finding the perfect candidate.
This platform has more than 700 million members from all around the globe, and the great thing about this is that you can target your “audience” and pin down the possible candidates in less than a day.
It all starts with the role you’re recruiting for.
You need to start big and then narrow down your choices to specific positions.
Let’s say you’re out recruiting for a new Sales Manager.
First, you need to set up your profile and fill in the details regarding the project you’re recruiting for. Think of it as an online ad.
With LinkedIn Recruiter, you have a unique opportunity to take part in one of the largest business networks that will help you consider different candidates and choose the one that best suits your project.
It’s not all about the candidates, though.
You have to do some work on your side too. Future candidates are not going to pop up on your profile by magic.
Anyways, this was a short introduction to the platform, and I’m slowly leading you towards my main goal – revealing tips that will help you hire the right person.Top 5 Tips For Using LinkedIn Recruiter – Results Guaranteed!

The truth to why I’m really here is because I want to discuss LinkedIn recruitment marketing.
So here it goes:
Here are the top 5 tips EVERY LinkedIn Recruiter needs to know when hiring future employees.
Tip #1: Update Your Company Profile
Being presentable is a huge deal for recruiters.
Naturally, you’d expect that potential employees will be coming in left and right, but you might be forgetting one tiny little thing here – how you look.
That’s right – your company profile needs to be updated and filled with up-to-date and relevant information regarding your business.
Your homepage needs to communicate value, relevance, and interest.
Businesses are constantly changing, so you’d want to check your profile more often than not, and give it a quick update if anything major happened while you weren’t online.
Avoid the mistake of having to explain outdated information to your potential candidate, as this will put you in a bad place, and they might walk away questioning your credibility.
Tip #2: Use InMail Wisely
Once you’ve found your potential employees, you’ll have to contact them somehow.
With recruiting, an InMail message is the starting point of your conversation, so you should invest time and patience in it. This time, you are the one who has to leave a positive impression.
So how do you do that?
Easy, you just follow these steps:
- Always be direct! – Sending an InMail on LinkedIn has one goal, and that’s getting your point across.
- Try to sound natural. – You’ll go over your message a few times before you send it, so don’t let it sound too “automatic.” Try to sound natural, but professional at the same time.
- Don’t leave them questioning. – If you’re recruiting, make sure you have the job description linked.
- Mention the next step. – Simply putting your request out there won’t do the trick. You should mention the next step by including words such as “connect” “discuss”, “talk “…
Tip #3: Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups
What do you do if you want to keep up with the happenings in your community?
You join relevant groups that post content you’re interested in.
It’s quite similar when it comes to LinkedIn. If you’re recruiting, it can help a lot if you join several relevant LinkedIn groups.
You should target industry-specific groups, like:
- Textiles
- Cosmetics
- Legal services
- Machinery
- Consumer goods
- Insurance
- Retail
The list goes on, so you should do a bit of research regarding your industry before joining.
This is how you find your potential employees fast + easy.
But it’s not enough just go click on the “Join” button. You need to let all your potential employees know that you’re present, and that’s done by posting, almost regularly.
Post a job offer, showcase your company, and invite possible employees to contact you.
Tip #4: Pay Attention To Keywords
Reaching out to your future employees is not a one-way street. They should be able to find you with ease using keywords.
This is certainly a topic you are familiar with, but how much do you apply it to this professional network?
If you’re second-guessing, or even trying to scroll through your previous posts, then this tip will come in handy for sure.
Essentially, you should keep track of:
Your industry lingo: If you’re working in an industry where there are specific terms (and that’s mostly the case), you should definitely use them as your keywords.
Experience-based jargon: This applies to terms that are used to describe professional skills at different levels. It’s important that you describe clearly the job title you’re searching for.
Here’s list of general keyword categories that you should reflect on:
- Job title (precise)
- City and region
- Degree or field of study
- Industry
- Products/services you provide
Don’t skimp on location.
For instance, if your business is based in California, preference will probably be given to candidates who are from there or nearby.
Tip #5: Consider Paid Advertising
Recruiters who desperately need new workers will go all the way to let them know that they have an open position in their company.
If you want to literally pop up in front of someone’s eyes, consider paid advertising.
It’s nothing extravagant and unusual. This is a tactic used by many old and new LinkedIn recruiters to attract the attention of larger masses.
If you’re interested in this feature, you should check out LinkedIn Ads.
You can choose between:
- Adding ads to your existing and future job posts
- Pay for InMail
- Create Lead Gen Forms (generating HG leads at scale)
Bonus Tip: Use Apply Starters
Here’s an interesting fact.
3/4 of candidates who apply for jobs end up NOT completing their application form in full.
How can you turn this to your advantage?
By using the Apply Starters feature.
Now, let me tell you a few words about it.
This is a LinkedIn feature that helps you narrow down the talent solution and choose from a large pool of talented candidates that might be perfect for your job.
Think about it.
LinkedIn Recruitment: Ups & Downs
I’m not here to sugarcoat you into saying “yes” to everything. I’m here to give you the real deal and tell you exactly what you can expect if you opt for this type of recruitment.
So far, LinkedIn has proved to be a successful recruitment tool, but nobody’s perfect. Even this tool has a couple of minor aspects that need work.
Let’s go over the realistic picture of LinkedIn recruitments by listing down the good and bad sides of this marketing tool.
✅ Helps identify candidates that are looking for a job and actively open for a conversation.
✅ Narrows down the qualification according to the details in your project.
✅ Enables you to send a targeted email to 25 candidates at once.
✅ Allows you to document interactions and classify contacts.
✅ Easy compiling search lists by industry and/or location.
✅ The ability to see the applicant’s full profile with all information.
❌ Small companies and individuals might find the price too expensive.
❌ Inconsistencies in the desktop and mobile versions.
❌ UI / UX could be updated.
Is LinkedIn Good For Recruitment? Let’s Sum Up
All in all, I think we did a good job of answering the question of LinkedIn and its recruitment purposes.
This modern process of searching for candidates helped recruiters a great deal. They are now able to determine who’s right for the job without having to bring them in for questioning.
However, the thought and intention of being a LinkedIn recruiter are not enough. You need tips that will ENSURE that your candidate-searching process is going to be a success.
The most effective ones include: using the right keywords, considering paid advertising, using the Apply Starters, and so on.
You’ll find that recruiting can be a success if you really give in to these tips and use them in your next recruitment process.
Best of luck!